Is it okay to not be okay? The importance of seeking help
“You were so cheerful yesterday. What happened to you today?” “Why are you so quiet?” “Why do you always have such a gloomy expression?” “You
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According to the WHO, one in four people suffer from a mental illness at some point in their lives.
Therefore, it’s possible that, a devout Muslim can experience depression or other mental illness just like they can experience physical illnesses like diabetes or cancer. It’s imperative that we understand that suffering from mental illness isn’t a choice; without denying the healing powers of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
We’re all aware that sanity is a precondition for obligatory acts of worship.
This more than acknowledges the fact that mental illness can alter behaviour and make tasks difficult. Furthemore, the Prophet, SAW, has taught us certain duas to help us deal with anxiety and stress. We rest our case.
The Qur’an mentions magic clearly and we’re not denying it.
And from the evil of those who practise witchcraft when they blow in the knots.
And from the evil of envier when he envies (Al-Falaq: 3-4)⠀
But attributing everything to magic is not from the way of a believer. Muslims struggling with psychological issues need to see professionals along with reciting duas from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Our goal must be to seek holistic treatment.
“You were so cheerful yesterday. What happened to you today?” “Why are you so quiet?” “Why do you always have such a gloomy expression?” “You
Two polar bear twins, old enough to hunt for food for the first time, head to the edge of a floe. The brother sits at
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