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Your Journey Starts Here

Online Counselling

At Afiyah Counsel and Care, our dedicated team of Muslim Therapists and Counselors are here to support you. Get in touch today to avail the Ummah’s most affordable faith-based counseling services.

Email Counseling

Email Counselling

Need someone to pour your heart to? We are listening, don’t hesitate to write to us about your worries, fears and concerns. Our Professional Counselors ensure you get necessary guidance and support within 24-48 hours, In sha Allah.

Chat Support

Feeling stuck and want to ‘Pour Your heart’? Want someone to listen to you without judgements or intervention? Want someone to help you navigate through the website? Do you have any doubts regarding Afiyah Counsel and Care?

Common Mental Health Myths

Having mental illness means your Imaan is weak.

According to the WHO, one in four people suffer from a mental illness at some point in their lives.

Therefore, it’s possible that, a devout Muslim can experience depression or other mental illness just like they can experience physical illnesses like diabetes or cancer. It’s imperative that we understand that suffering from mental illness isn’t a choice; without denying the healing powers of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

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Mental illness didn’t exist in the time of the Prophet, SAW.

We’re all aware that sanity is a precondition for obligatory acts of worship.

This more than acknowledges the fact that mental illness can alter behaviour and make tasks difficult. Furthemore, the Prophet, SAW, has taught us certain duas to help us deal with anxiety and stress. We rest our case. ​

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It’s not mental illness, it’s black magic or evil eye.

The Qur’an mentions magic clearly and we’re not denying it.

And from the evil of those who practise witchcraft when they blow in the knots.

And from the evil of envier when he envies (Al-Falaq: 3-4)⠀

But attributing everything to magic is not from the way of a believer. Muslims struggling with psychological issues need to see professionals along with reciting duas from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Our goal must be to seek holistic treatment.

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Why not try some of our self-help techniques?

Mental Health

Comfort Zone

Have you found your growth to be stagnant? Does trying something new make you anxious? Do you always pick the easier choice? If your answer

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Book a free 25-minute consultation call by filling up this form.

We do not offer support to clinical cases and would recommend that you reach out to local psychotherapists for support.

Our trained Listeners are not counselors but they will be available to guide you through and help you figure out issues. It’s anonymous and completely free. Avail Now by clicking on the chat icon.

We are not qualified to give Fiqhi advice. For guidance about Shariah and Fiqh matters, kindly contact your local Imam or some other Islamic Institutions.

Please visit Events page for more details or click here.

May Allah reward you immensely for your thought.

(i) If you are a therapist or coach,
(ii) If you wish to donate free sessions for those struggling, 
(iii) If you are a survivor, inspire us with your story.
(iv) If you wish to discuss a collaboration option, 
(v) If you are amongst the well-wishers, spread the word.

All of the above, please contact us by clicking here.

Both options are available. If you choose random selection, you will receive a faster response But if you wish to choose your counselor/coaches, please visit our counselors and coaches profiles, but availability of slots will be subjected to your counselor’s accommodation of slots

  • For counseling, after your “Free Consultation”, if you are willing to proceed your counselor will be providing you with payment process details.
  • For coaching sessions, after the acceptance of your Coaching Intake, you will receive payment details via email. 
We have a wonderful team of chat listeners, who are available for you to ‘Pour your heart’ out, in a non-judgmental Islamic environment, without offering any advice or therapy. Alternatively, you may contact our email counselors for guidance by filling your concern on our Contact us form. P.S the email support is provided free of cost, for up to 3 email exchanges between client and counselor.

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healing hearts. unlocking minds

You are not Alone, We are here for you


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Holistic Approach

Chat Support

Therapy that doesn't burn a hole in your pocket.