Is it okay to not be okay? The importance of seeking help
“You were so cheerful yesterday. What happened to you today?” “Why are you so quiet?” “Why do you always have such a gloomy expression?” “You
“You were so cheerful yesterday. What happened to you today?” “Why are you so quiet?” “Why do you always have such a gloomy expression?” “You
Two polar bear twins, old enough to hunt for food for the first time, head to the edge of a floe. The brother sits at
Have you found your growth to be stagnant? Does trying something new make you anxious? Do you always pick the easier choice? If your answer
Ramadhan comes. Ramadhan goes. Some have been observing this for the past many years. Some shall continue to observe. Some won’t be able to. Ramadhan
Spending too much time on our phones, eating a lot of junk food, not drinking enough water, not eating enough healthy foods are some examples
Anger can be defined as “a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong”. It can be triggered by external or internal events.