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ALLAH, the name which cannot be defined by any word in this world but to say honestly, He سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى is the infinite (having no limits or boundaries). He has given us in this world a lot of things which we humans take do not take seriously. Let’s talk about that thing which once gone does not come back – Time.

Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى has given us plenty of time. Just see its beauty from seconds to hours to months to years and so on. But we humans always find an excuse for not spending time with our loved ones, parents, and children who ask us to spend time with them and we say, “I have no time and I am BUSY.” We are busy working and earning as though we don’t even have a second to spend time with them. In reality, earning is just a part of our life but our loved ones, parents, and children are our life in this world. Just imagine a world without them; a world where no one cares like that of a mother, no one guides as that of a father, no siblings to fight with love, no children to share our knowledge with and no love to share with our spouses. We would just a lonely body – no one to look and care about. Alhumdulillah! Allahu Akbar! We have been blessed with all this but in return, we are ungrateful to the Almighty – no time to even pray, fast, and do righteous deeds.

Once something bad befalls us we complain to Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى “Why me Ya Rabb?” Stop complaining and pray and ask for a solution rather than just muttering “why me?” Think about it – is what you are doing fair? Do you want to be paid high without working? Do you want to learn something without putting any effort to learn it? No effort no gain! Think! If you’re an owner of a company and your employee is to be paid but he doesn’t do any work, will you, in that case, pay your employee?

Some ways to help you come out of such a busy schedule:

  • Firstly, take advantage of your precious time. Always keep yourself busy in acquiring knowledge of Islam. Keep yourself busy from unwanted things and divide your day into 3 things: work/study life, family life, and worshiping Allah. During work/study time concentrate on work/studies. Family time involves sharing the love with family. Worshipping Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى in between these two phases of the day takes merely just minutes. Consider reading the Quran before bed (at least a small surah) – it heals all your pains and sorrows.
  • Secondly, purify your intentions for the sake of Allah alone.
  • Thirdly, be patient! Think and act! Just question yourself about what you are doing – whether it is correct or not! Will it please the Almighty Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى?
  • Lastly, always be aware – Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى is watching you. When you have a problem then stop complaining, instead, pray and ask Allah to give a solution to your problem! Time is still there dear brothers and sisters!


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