The Tomorrow-Phobia

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Fear- an endless vortex where you are surrounded by the unknown, the unseen and the unheard. Fear is strong enough to make us believe in something that hasn’t been experienced at all. When this fear joins forces with another unseen element, ‘tomorrow’ the result is a whole lot of destruction.

The fear of tomorrow, something that you may find has heightened in the present situation, has been our constant companion for a major part of our life. A sudden change in the situation around you, be it a stressful event at work, personal relationship or a worldly phenomenon can be a few of the many causes of this fear. It could be temporary or prolonged depending on the situation and the person. No one can afford to or has the endurance to stay in a constant state of unrest. If you are diagnosed with this anxiety, unearthing its root cause and finding ways to treat it is the way forward. No two roads to it.

The anxiety being spoken about in the above paragraph is not the mild kind or the kind that can be categorized as a ‘normal level’. The truth is, having a little fear or being a little anxious is quite normal. In fact, it is even good enough to be called healthy. It is perfectly alright to be anxious about whether your future is financially secure and if you are capable of starting a family in the future. It is normal to be anxious about the result of an interview and to be anxious about your school grades. Wondering what to prepare for dinner is also normal. If you’ve done enough deeds to earn rewards and if your request for forgiveness will be accepted or not is also a reason worthy of worry. A person would be called careless if his anxiety didn’t do its work of keeping him on his toes. Being anxious about expected threats can help us avoid them and keep us safe. When we’re anxious, even the unexpected threats or dangers don’t harm us as much as they otherwise would. When you are anxious about a certain move of your employer or for the matter, even a family member of a higher authority, you stay in check and tend to perform better. The same feeling can even be instilled by an approaching deadline. The ‘fight or flight muscle’ works best when it is complemented with the right amount of anxiety.

Fear and hope can be regarded as two wings of a bird. The bird can stay afloat only when there is a good balance between the two wings. Being too hopeful can lead to transgression and vanity. Being too fearful can make a person gloomy.

Allah says in the Quran:

“The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely” (Surah Anfal, 8:2)

When this fear of the future leading to anxiety and stress goes on for a long time, then it is a matter of concern. It adversely affects a person’s physical as well as their mental wellbeing. It affects not just the person in concern but also other people around him.

The following preventive measures may come in handy:

1. If you think it is the current news that is bringing you down, try a digital detox. Uninstall the apps on your phone that you think you are spending long hours on which you don’t think is benefitting you in any way. Believe it or not, there are apps that help you limit your time on other apps.
2. Try to make yourself understand that the past also used to be uncertain. You’ve got through it and the coming uncertainty will also be one you can deal with. Things could be more difficult than the past but Allah has promised not to burden a person more than he can bear.
3. Maintain the balance between hope and fear. While doing so, don’t ignore what the present day has to offer. There could be many little moments of enjoyment that you are missing out today because of your worry of the future.
4. Be mindful of your fear of the future. Sit with your feelings and analyse your uncertainty. After you are able to put a finger on the exact reasons for your fear, there is a possibility that it won’t seem as bad anymore.
5. Finally, and most importantly, have faith in the future that has been written for you. Understand that not everything is under your control and whatever happens, is for the best. Have patience and increase your worship and good deeds.

A child waits the entire day for the play time allotted for him. He looks forward to it without thinking about the numerous dangers that he might possibly have to experience. He enjoys every moment of the little time that has been given. A simple example but with a profound lesson. Isn’t it?

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