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Sometimes when you are really low and sad!!
You feel you’re trapped and don’t know what to do…

You have no means to get rid of your caged life…

You are trapped all lonely on the road…

You don’t know where to turn to?

You really want to scream and let it all go…

You need that shoulder but don’t know whom to turn to?

Just take your Salah mat, pray two rakats and cry it out…

Let out your feelings…. and make duas!

Don’t know how everything vanishes…..

But I know everything does…

Surely give it a try because you never know what may happen next time!

Maybe your duas will come true or else other ways open up!

After you feel better, do what you love the most…

Maybe a long drive…

Maybe a vacation…

Maybe a swim or a short shopping spree

Or anything which makes you feel good…

After this, you will see how your life changes…

It did for me… I am sure it will for you too… In shaa Allah 😉


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